Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Camp Learn-A-Lot Week 5 - August 20th, 2015: THE LAST DAY

The Last Days

The Science Showcase and BBQ

Wednesday, August 19th, Camp Learn-A-Lot held its Science Showcase and family BBQ. Students and their families were invited to tour the school, view their child's classroom, meet their teacher, and view a presentation about what our campers have learned and experienced this summer. The teachers and tutors prepared some beautiful displays about our field trips to the Henry Ford, the Hands-On Museum and more, and topics the CSI have investigated, such as animal and plant structure/behavior, the transfer of energy, etc. Following the presentations, everyone was welcomed to enjoy some hot dogs, chips, and cookies prepared and served by our lunch staff and tutors. Many city officials were present, along with teachers and administrators from other schools in the district. A great thank you is in order to all who attended last night to support Camp Learn-A-Lot and our magnificent staff and students.

The Last Day

And now here we are: the last day. The day began as usual with morning mission, but during our theme song, all the students stood up and sang with the most enthusiasm I have seen all summer. Then, it was off to the movies! As you may recall, the campers were not able to go to Turtle Cove due to possible bad weather, however, the MJR Theater in Westland was kind enough to reserve a theater at the last minute for our students to see "Minions." They were supplied with popcorn, gummy snacks, and a drink to enjoy while they watched. All was well; the campers loved the zany, funny movie, and we certainly made the right choice, as that day was much too cold for a swim outdoors. Finally, the students loaded the buses, and it was a bittersweet goodbye. The students have come to love their teachers and tutors: I remember well, having been a 1st grade tutor for two years. Luckily, the regular school year begins in only a couple of weeks, and there is always next summer. But, for the Class of 2015, this was their last year, and as a member of that most recent graduating class, I think I speak for all of us when I say we will miss it terribly. Camp Learn-A-Lot is a place for fun and adventure, but it is also incredibly rewarding, for both student and teacher. I hope to come back and see this program flourishing, giving more children an amazing opportunity, many years from now. 

Behind the Scenes 

A special thank you goes out to all the unsung heroes of Camp Learn-A-Lot who work, often behind the scenes, to ensure Camp runs smoothly, and that everyone can have a good time. These people include Mr. Sam Bonam, who organizes the tutors, solves problems with and runs technical equipment, sets up Village each day, and much more.

Other people to recognize are Ms. Webb and Deanna Hearod; they work the office, prepare important information for parents and students, take care of kids who don't feel well, and solve every student or parent concern as they come.

Included in this list as well, is myself. My name is Miranda Moffat, and I do publicity and camerawork for Camp (which is why you've probably never seen me in a picture before!) I'm the woman with the camera, documenting all that goes on at Camp, and reporting it for parents in the blog posts and weekly newsletter.

And finally, all the staff and students of Camp Learn-A-Lot owe a great debt of gratitude to Ms. Dickson, our lead teacher this year, and Ms. Johnson, the principal of Wick Elementary and of Camp. They run every aspect of Camp, including curriculum, field trips, and every day life. We are very thankful for their wonderful leadership.

Goodbye, For Now

This summer at Camp Learn-A-Lot has been quite a ride! From crazy science experiments, to amazing field trips, to the every day learning, this year's Camp was incredible. We have had the most impressive outside learning opportunities this year, visiting places like the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum, the Yankee Air Museum, and even the Henry Ford Museum, where campers were exposed to centuries of history and scientific discovery. They were also afforded the chance to see, and touch, wild creatures when the staff of the Conservancy came to Wick, and just recently got to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show at MJR Theaters in Westland. Academically, students have been exposed to topics as diverse as matter, energy, and life itself, have immersed themselves in scientific jargon and procedures, and have become experts at questioning and experimenting with the ways of the world: they are a true CSI team. But beyond the classroom, beyond the field trips and the Village days and the fun, this program is designed in the hopes of further educating, preparing, and inspiring students of Romulus Community Schools, and I believe this summer, the staff of Camp Learn-A-Lot have done just that.

Thank You So Much For Reading!

Miranda Moffat, signing off.

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