Thursday, July 30, 2015

Camp Learn-A-Lot Week 2 - July 30th, 2015

Camp Learn-A-Lot Week 2: A Very Special Splatter Day

Splatter Day

Wednesday, July 29th, Camp Learn-A-Lot put on its first "Splatter Day," formerly "Wacky Water Day," of the 2015 season. On the beautiful, hot, and humid day, campers played outside in their swim gear. Stations included a water balloon toss, hose limbo, sprinklers, red-light-green-light with water guns, and a fan favorite, the water slide. Many a great photo came from campers splashing their way down the slide, as you will see below. The next "Splatter Day" will be August 19th, so please send your child to school with a towel and swim suit or extra pair of dry clothes, so they can share in the fun. Otherwise, our campers will continue to enjoy their regular Village time, playing games like musical chairs, hula-hoop, and agility course with their friends after their lessons. 

CSI: The Investigations

Throughout the program, students will be exposed to our CSI words, such as "evidence" and "anthropology," and have put them to good use already in their group activities and frequent classroom experimentation. This week alone, the 3rd graders tested the amount of energy transfer that occurs in a collision with ramps and toy cars, the lower grades experimented with the amounts of friction found between the floor and different types of shoe soles, and the upper grades created a solution to discover whether or not dissolving solids, or changing their state of matter, will change their mass. Camp Learn-A-Lot is quickly becoming an essential tool for the next generation of up and coming scientists. 

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, August 5th: Field Trip to Yankee Air Museum from 10:15am to 1:25pm (5th graders only)
  • Wednesday, August 12th: Field Trip to the Henry Ford from 9:00am to 1:25pm (All students)
  • Wednesday, August 19th: Splatter Day - please bring swimming gear AND Science Showcase/BBQ for Parents from 5:00pm to 6:00pm 
  • Thursday, August 20th: Field Trip to Turtle Cove from 10:30am to 1:25pm - please bring swimming gear AND Last Day of the Program
Thank you for reading, and please join us next week for information and important updates, posted every other day during the school week. The weekly newsletter will also be sent home every Monday.

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