Monday, July 15, 2013

Chronicles of Learn-a-Lot #1: Pre-Camp days

Romulus Community School's Camp Learn-a-Lot program was an undeniable success in Summer 2012 resulting in endless praise to all involved. Preparations are now being made to construct an even more successful Summer Camp experience for the Summer of 2013.

If one is interested in seeing a small video that chronicled the past year's Camp Learn-a-Lot (made by yours truly) It can be found on the post below. Here is a link:

I am Jess McAnally, I take the photos that appear on this blog site, write any articles posted, and will chronicle all the things this Camp has to offer as they occur. I am a tutor as well, who does any odd jobs required around the camp. I hope to make your time involved with Camp Learn-a-Lot as stress free and fun as possible, therefore if you have any issues with the site, or want anything removed just contact me at:

Some of the staff, hard at work.
The camp has an amazing staff of Teachers, Student Tutors, and custodial staff. The teachers are from all throughout the Romulus Community Schools and are completely dedicated to the well-being of their students. The Student Tutors are students from the Romulus High school, who are here throughout their summer to bring you the most efficient educational camp experience as possible. The custodial staff are also from the Romulus Community, and are here to help keep the school clean, and the food cooked and healthy.

The Camp's Dolch Sight Words.
Classes at Romulus Camp Learn-a-lot officially began on July 15th 2013, but preparation for that date was also very extensive. The tutors were trained July 10th, and July 11th, to do all the things required for the Campers to do their best. These training days entailed, explaining how to teach Campers their Sight Words, pairing them up with their teachers, and altogether, getting used to the environment before the Campers are introduced.

The theme for 2012's Camp was the London Olympics, this year's Camp theme is: Science Matters.

Our Camp Learn-a-Lot Mascot
Artie Fry, The Science Guy!

Our snake. I call him Sam!
We will try to impart to these campers as much Science knowledge as possible in their time here, which includes such things:
- A Menagerie of animals in the school Media Center. (Including: Tadpoles, Snakes, and Butterflies)
- Science related activities, including the creation of a bug jar to hold insects for the analysis of bugs.
- Outdoor water droplet activities.
- And much much more...
The Camp's tadpole friends.

This site will be updated as often as I can possibly muster, and I hope to keep everyone interested in this as UPDATED as possible. If any questions need answering, please refer to my Email address above.


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