Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chronicles of Learn-a-Lot #12- Off to a Good Start

Without skipping a beat, Camp Learn-a-Lot begins the events of fun and education in its first week.  

Every day begins with the camp’s rendition of Aloe Blacc’s hit song I’m the Man, re-written by several tutors to fit education with a new title: I Can Learn. This is our mission statement of the day, announcing our ability to be educated in a positive light.

On Tuesday the 22nd of July, the students were treated to an outdoor “village” of wacky water fun. A large blue tarp was draped in the grass outside of Wick elementary school, made slippery by three water hoses held by tutors. The Students then slid down this tarp, and got completely soaked to the skin. The outdoor village was filled with laughs and smiles.

The following day involved classes playing games such as BeanBag, Tug-a-War, Keep away, an obstacle course, and so on with Superheroic twists. Names like: Kryptonite Keep away, and Power Shield pass. 
These games kept the kids active and entertained, giggling as they played with their friends. Roleplaying as their favorite superheroes as they played the games.  When the playtime was over, the kids were wiped out and chatting with one another about the fun they had.