Hot Dogs, the long lost sixth food group. These snacks, torn from the pork remains of a pig then cooked and placed into a long form fitted bun are definitely a staple on American culture. So what better snack to serve at Camp Learn-A-Lot's parent/teacher meet and greet party than the immortal Frankfurter?
This meet and greet which took place on Tuesday July 30th 2013 was an undisputed success. Tutors and teachers gave out Hot Dogs, Rice Crispy Treats, chips, and a water to everyone who showed up to the Camp Event. As the parents enjoyed the meeting of everybody, the kids were given the chance to play on the playground, and spend time with their camp friends.
Some of the kids occupied themselves with games of basketball on the
outdoor court. Others ran out into the field and played a little bit of football. Many activities involving activeness and getting the heartrace pumping.
One of the biggest group events I've seen at this meet/greet was the camp singing of the camp song Eye of the Tiger. Never have I seen such unity in kids so young. It was quite a beautiful sight to see if I do say so myself.
As I took pictures and analyzed the events, I met quite a few parents of the campers. It was really pleasing to see so many parents dedicated to this program, and proud to have their child involved in it. It means a lot to the program to have such dedicated and happy parents.
The teacher/parent interaction was also quite astounding. The positive words about the camp were nearly endless, and altogether a pleasure for this writer to see at first hand.
I may not personally be the biggest fan of hot dogs, but if a party surrounding hot dogs can bring a group together like this, it's obviously doing something wonderful between people. And even a hot dog cynic like me to notice it's appeal to other people.